Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I ♥ our Officiant

(click to enlarge..they're so cute together)

Mom called on Monday with something funny to report. Evidently, she had talked to Aunt Saun who told her that Pastor Lofton (pictured above with his wife, Prophetess Lisa) announced that I was getting married in church on Sunday. To the entire congregation. The wedding is next year.


Something about one of the daughter's of the house getting married (I've been a member of that church since birth) and how if you wait, God will provide you with the right husband. Gotta love him.

I called last week (or so) to get on his calender for next year - people have busy lives and I've always known that I wanted him to marry the PHI and I. It wouldnt be the end of the world if he couldnt, but I would definitely be crushed. When I called last week, I spoke to his wife, not him, and he was supposed to call me back. I havent talked to him yet, but I'm thinking his announcement in chuch was his confirmation that he's going to do the wedding. I'll see him next week to confirm for sure, but in the meatime, I'll say I accomplished that goal on my list of things to do before January. Gotta love a 15 month engagement and Real Simple for taking their timeline back that far.

Officant? Check?


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